Thursday, September 9, 2021


 Hi guys today I am here to talk about swimming , swimming is my most favorite sport to do and I'm  also really good at it  . Here are some facts about swimming .

1. Did you know Marco polo is the most popular swimming pool game.

2.Swimming is the fourth most popular sport or activity .

3.Worlds most biggest swimming pool in Chile  covering  is an area of 19.77  and it can hold up till 66 million of gallon of water .

4.There are approximately 30999 public pools in U.S that means in one pool  31 people can   swim in it. !!!

This is the end of my facts and  thank you for reading  an good bye . have fun swimming!!!    😋👍                                   


  1. Hi Sarah. Hey thanks for sharing this interesting information about swimming. I am very happy to hear that swimming is an activity that you enjoy. It is great that our class managed to get our swimming lessons completed before we went into lockdown. I think that the lockdown causes a lot of disruption to our planned programmes at school. So luckily we got our swimming done first.

  2. Kia ora Sarah,

    I really like how you shared information about swimming. I didn't know it was the 4th most popular activity. It sounds like you are passionate about it. Are you thinking of doing this in the future?

    I wonder if you can reread your blog post and see if you are missing any punctuation?

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa

  3. Morena Sarah
    I agree with Ms Corbett and Miss Laxa that this is a really interesting blog post. You have let us know that you like to swim and have also included some interesting facts about swimming. I have to confess to not being big on swimming....
    1) I like it to be super hot if I am going to get in the water
    2) I really struggle if I get water in my ears - lots of ear infections
    I think I can probably swim a length or so, but that would be about it.

    I think it was effective how you ordered your facts using numbers... and then listed those giving a line space in between each one. Well set out and formatted!

    With your full stops the convention is to have no space at the end of the sentence e.g Lisa loves lollipops. She also likes ice cream.
    Then start the new sentence with one space.
    Hope that helps :-)
    Keep blogging!
